Saturday 12 September 2009

Derren Brown, the website and more...

Ok, so I'm sure those of you who live in the UK and haven't been living under a rock have heard about magician Derren Brown's lottery stunt. On Wed night he successfully predicted six balls (not the bonus) during the live lottery before they were announced. You can no doubt find the clip on YouTube. For legal reasons (yeah right) he told us that he couldn't show us the prediction before the results. To me this kinda rendered the whole thing void. On Friday he explained to us how he did it. This was an over complicated attempt IMO to make us look gullible. I don't mean it like the way it sounds (I believe the whole experiment was to make people think something that isn't true - how people can be easily led) His explanation was a little dumb, 24 people were in a room and over the last few weeks they've tried to predict the lottery. Then after all of their guesses the results were added up and the average was taken. Or something along those lines. At first they got three balls correct and then four... BUT then we were supposed to believe that on Wed night they got all six correct. I think it's much more likely that Derren used a split screen (one side of the screen is live and the other is pre-recorded) because he himself doesn't believe in psychic ability and he thinks it's mumbo jumbo (which it is) He used a technique where you rest a pen on the paper and sub consciously you let your mind pick a number for you. It's completely ridiculous.

His other feats were more impressive - he told a young man that there was a knife hidden under one of twenty cups and that he wanted him to stamp on them one by one. He offered him 500,000 compensation in case it went wrong. Of course it didn't and there was no knife. But there was a mouse hidden under the plastic cup that he left. The only thing I can think of is that the man was in on it.

Much more impressive was the David Blaine show latter that night. He performed several incredible card tricks and caught a live bullet in his mouth. His street magic is amazing. How do you take a dollar from someone and rub the F off and move it down the note. Or get someone to sign a card and place it in the deck. Then you throw the cards in the air and pick out the one with the signature on it with a dart! Hu? He also told someone to hold and think of any card. He took a match and held it underneath it and it was their card! Unbelievable...

The Website

Ok, I've updated the main page again with a rather impressive new Dollhouse poster. I've added the saucy Buffy comic strip picture and a new babe of the day and guy of the day. I'm thinking about running an annual awards at Christmas (watch this space) and somehow adding twitter to the site. Not easy as it's flash not HTMI. Enjoy your Saturday.

Steven Lee is the creator of Whedonverse and Whedonverse forum.

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