Tuesday 8 September 2009

I'm sick and tired of...

...yep you guessed it feeling sick and tired. I am so fed up with coeliac disease at the moment and feeling exhausted when all I wanna do is feel my best. I know I said daily updates (best intentions ect...) but life gets in the way. I will try to update more often. And if you read this blog please leave a message on the guestbook http://www.whedonverse.co.uk/ for all I know I'm talking to myself (what's new?)

Anyway back to my day. I was supposed to go to the dentist (my dad was giving me a lift to the next town) but I was just too damn tired. Or mind blowingly exhausted. So, I asked him to turn the car around and I went back to bed. True story. I phoned the dentist and told them I had flu like symptoms which was pretty close to the truth. Anyway, I've been feeling out of it all day.

Sometimes I think I'm never gonna recover from this thing. My doctors tell me it takes between six months to two years and it's been about 3 months + At the same time I'm still trying to work out what's causing my eczema. I ate a yogurt and I was itching (pectin?) I ate a banana and I was itching. Could be those, or it could be dust, latex or rice. I haven't narrowed it down. I ate orange's and tomato's and I was fine so I can't see the citrus fruit connection. Could be plums or peaches though? Argggghhhhh! Who knows?

"who here watches deal or no deal?" Intern raises hand Dr Cox "get out"

I love scrubs and I've finished the s8 boxset in the last few days. Brilliant. I had to import it as it still hasn't been shown in the UK. E4 get your fucking finger out! Inc was a bonus disc - the castle pilot (great stuff) I'm gonna have to order it and Leverage (Christian is so cool)

I just watched the Buffyverse panel videos (link on whedonverse) from Dragoncon. Funny funny stuff (esp James and Charisma) and Julie Benz is adorable. I told her so on twitter so I'll see if I get a reply. I got a short message from Amber Benson saying that she was looking forward to my tweets (which was cool)

The site is coming along nicely. Hi SJ, thanks for the guestbook message. The forum should have a brand new logo soon (the winner of the competition) and I'm really proud of the hits it's been getting. Vote in the polls! Jewel (or should I say Kaylee) is walking this one again!

The advertising is making nothing but hey I don't do this for the money. Just the love of Joss' work. Until tomorrow... take care and be excellent to each other. Snooch. Two movie references in one...

Steven Lee is the creator of Whedonverse and Whedonverse forum

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