Friday 21 August 2009

Ezcema and the real world. The Guild and the geek.

Photo taken 5 min's ago. This photo is deceiving as I have eczema on my face and my ear pierced twice. But for some strange reason the light has blocked it out.

It never rains but it pours isn't that the saying? Well, it's fucking raining today!

Mood Good but tired. Food - cereal and coffee Music - bowling for soup

Hi there I've been trying to think of what to say today. Obviously I wanna talk about my Eczema but I'll get to that in a minute. I've become a little obsessed with the Guild over the last two days (watch on whedonverse) and more importantly Felicia Day. I don't mean that in a scary "I want you to have my babies" sort of way. Just a casual crush. She's a very pretty lady. So, anyway I watched the entire first season and I'm impressed. It always amazes me when someone comes along and makes money out of nothing but an idea. Like Kevin Smith with Clerks or Vince McMahon risking everything with Wrestlemania 1. Of course these are the success stories. I'm sure there are many failures too. Youtube and the Internet has helped inspiring actors and writers all over the world. I write scripts myself and I know how hard it is to get an agent (nobody wants to take a chance on a new writer) I've had great feedback in the past from the BBC and several other networks and production companies but it's a struggle. If I wasn't so self conscious and shy I'd do what Felicia did and write a web based show. My hat is off to her... and my pants OK I'll stop now.

Eczema is an annoying skin disease. In many ways it ruins your life and the lives of the people around you. It's difficult to work with chapped and cut hands. My skin is constantly dry, red and inflamed. And it wouldn't be so bad if it was just on my body but my face is usually the worst. I had acne too (I went for laser treatment) which has left me with some pock marks on my face. OK they're small but still bother me. My skin is thin because of all the steroid creams I've used over the years and it lines easily. Lots of dry cream but It seems to clog my pours and make me itch. Which leads to infection, weeping yellow skin and a vicious cycle. Get it better, it gets bad again within a day or two and so on. Using creams that damage the skin to make it better otherwise it's the hospital. And I've been there plenty of times as a child and a teenager. I have managed to touch wood (why do we say that? Someone just made it up) stay out of there in recent years but it's hard to control. It's also hard to date. You don't wanna tell someone you've got eczema in case they think they can catch it (which you can't by the way) and it's not very nice looking at someone with a face full of cuts. Maybe I'm making it sound worse then it is, don't get me wrong there's been some bad times. I once went in hospital with no skin on my face and there was this other time when all my eyes and skin were stuck together. They gave me antiseptic baths to get it better and it did within seven days. I know there's other people in this world that have it worse (people that are blind or death or both. People who can't even speak or communicate properly) but eczema is a nightmare.


The great thing about eczema is that you get lots of allergies along with it. Yeah as a child it was grass, pollen and dust. As a teenager it was dairy products and eggs and as an adult well it's complicated. I am allergic to latex which means I'm properly allergic to cross contamination plants like Tomato and Grapefruit. I seem to be having a bad reaction with fruit lately. I was tested and my doctor said you're allergic to all fruits to some degree. So, it's trial and error from here. I had skin prick tests two weeks ago and they showed that I'm allergic to sea food which goes hand in hand with eczema. Other fish was OK and I am fine with nuts. Lol reminds me of a Frasier joke "did I mention nuts?" "oh, I think that's implied" it certainly feels that way sometimes. I keep a food diary but it's hard to find out what's causing the eczema when it could be anything. Add coeliac disease, asthma and a dose of OCD to this and I'm a walking hypochondriac . Prone to panic attacks and not very good in social situations. It's a shame as I used to be the life and soul of the party but my health is a bitch.

It's not all bad I have my friends (inc you) my family, my music, my computer, my television shows and my kick arse movie collection. I'm a great writer (not to blow my own trumpet) I can be funny, romantic and caring and I've collected some really nice autographs over the years.

Yep, I have more then most but I'm no Zach Effron...

I hate that guy.

Steven Lee is the creator of Whedonverse and Whedonverse forum.

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