Sunday 23 August 2009

Martial arts and me. Summerslam and Allergies update.

Mood: Ok Food - Bacon and tomato sandwich Music - none Site updates - news section updated. Photo shoot pictures added. New Dollhouse season 2 promo pics and poster.

Thanks to everyone that has visited Whedonverse so far... four hundred views in four days is really good for such a new site. Esp as it hasn't been added to the major search engines yet. Tell your friends...

Before I get onto today's topic which is martial arts and me. Here's an allergy update and my Summerslam predictions (live tonight on sky box office at 1am)


I keep a food diary and atm I'm trying to determine what foods are making my eczema bad. Easier said then done! As allergies go hand in hand with eczema. For the last few days I've avoided fruit and specifically citrus fruit. Yesterday I tried pineapple and I seem to be OK with that. Today I'm trying tomato (it came back positive on my test but so did every fruit) The problem with trial and error is that it isn't very accurate but the doctors tell me that neither are blood tests. Which is why they rely on both for a proper reading. So, my skin is fairly clear at the moment on my body and I'm gonna see if there's a reaction from now until tomorrow morning. Why should they be? Well tomato and fruits are linked to latex allergy which I definitely have. Many health care professionals develop this and it's especially common in people with eczema. The reason these fruits are linked to latex is because the plant shares something in common with latex. Cross breeding I believe. It sucks but hey trial and error is my only option...


One of the big four WWE ppv's of the year. I'm not very excited about summerslam but I've paid for it anyway like it's my duty or something. One match stands out and that's C M Punk vs Jeff Hardy TLC (Tables, Ladders and Chairs) for the WWE Title. The rest is well a bit meh. I mean does anyone really want to see Kane vs Khali erm... no they don't. Anyway here's my predictions.

TLC - this all depends on whether Jeff is leaving or not and I think he is. So PUNK for the win with or without MATT HARDY'S assistance. Matt could go either way - help or hinder his brother. Leading to a PUNK vs MATT feud or a friendship between the two. I expect Jeff to get seriously injured if he's leaving (storyline)

CENA should beat Orton as he hasn't held the title for a long time. CHRISTIAN will hopefully retain although I like WILLIAM REGAL too.

Show and Jericho vs Cryme Tyme. I don't rate Cryme Tyme at all. They're competent wrestlers but I hate their gimmick. So, I'm looking for the much improved BIG SHOW and WWE'S BEST WRESTLER CHRIS JERICHO to beat the hell out of them tonight.

KHALI vs Kane - who cares but Khali.

DX vs LEGACY - I expect HHH and HBK to lose to Legacy tonight because then it looks like they're elavating talent instead of burying it. Shame they're elevating the wrong talent. Dibiase and Rhodes have no charisma. Expect penis jokes...

Rey vs DOLPH. I think Dolph needs the win. Rey doesn't need the title

SWAGGER vs mvp - my new favourite wrestler swagger should get the win and become the new US CHAMP.

Those are the main matches. To be honest many of the results could go either way which I like. I can't think of another match atm but I expect THE UNDERTAKER to make his return tonight. So that should be exciting...


Old school photo from a few years ago. Taken by one of my friends Tara who sadly I've lost contact with.

"If I tell you I'm the best then you think I'm boasting, however if I tell you I'm no good then you know I'm lying. I can honestly say that I fear no opponent in front of me" Bruce Lee

"Be water my friend" Bruce Lee

I love martial arts. I can't really explain why it's just something that's fascinated me since I was around thirteen years old. My sister came home with her then boyfriend and he was showing me a few moves. Shaking the foundations of the house with a kick to the ground and introducing me to the delights of no retreat no surrender, I was hooked. It wouldn't be for another eight years that I would take my first martial arts class with a few friends of mine. Not to brag but we were naturals. People asked us where we'd trained before and we hadn't. Through out the years I went back to my club on and off (mostly off it makes it hard to train with eczema - you sweat ect...) but I usually train at home. I've learnt the moves, I've seen the movies, I do tae-bo (Billy Blanks fitness tapes - martial arts and dance) almost everyday. I've studied the books and I have a punch bag and floor bag in the garage. I am very flexible... but I'm still trying to achieve the splits.

The top four martial artists (in no order)

1 Bruce Lee
2 Jackie Chan
3 Tony Jaa
4 Jet Li

I was lucky enough to write to and receive Jackie Chan's autograph from Hong Kong recently. I've written to Zhang Ziyi too (she's so beautiful) I would love to go back to my class someday but at the moment my skin is up and down so I can't. It's annoying but hey, that's life.

I watched Enter the dragon last night. And as much as I love Bruce Lee I think this movie has been surpassed by the extremely violent and entertaining Ong-Bak and Warrior King. The martial arts in these two Tony Jaa movies is extraordinary. Acrobatic, flexible, lightning fast and unbelievably talented Jaa is this generations Lee. Don't get me wrong I'm still amazed by Bruce's speed and power and they'll never be anyone like him again but Jaa is nipping at his heels...

I'm off to do some training. Take care and visit again tomorrow. Ying yang.

Steven Lee is the creator of Whedonverse and Whedonverse forum.

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