Thursday 20 August 2009

Religion and my own beliefs

So, It’s a brand new day and the sun is high. All the birds are singing that you’re gonna die. How I hesitated now I wonder why. It’s a brand new day. Mood in-between ok and moody. Listening to Lifehouse no name face. Food Tuna Sandwich and mayonnaise, camomile tea.

Website updates. I bought a domain name and extra webspace. The site can now be found at

I updated the advert section and added some new pages inc you know you're obsessed with Buffy when... I also submitted the site to several search engines inc Google and Yahoo.

Last night I caught up on my TV shows (Reaper - why did they cancel it?) Sock is great and a religious documentary called why do you believe in God? It was unbelievable how many people have been brainwashed in this world. Talk about deluded. People of several different faiths held a discussion as to why they believe in God. The strange thing is that they all believe that their god is the real God. How many Gods are there? Budists acually believe that they will be reborn as something else. A person, an animal ect.. depending on their Karma level. Really? So, what happens if in the next life you find yourself in the body of a non-believer?

Religion is the cause of all the recent wars in the world. People in Kenya refuse contraception and have about nine kids each because of the catholic faith. Aids is rampant in the world because people won't use condoms and other birth control because of religion. People let their loved ones die because they don't believe in western medicine. Religion may bring people together in one faith but it puts people of different faiths against each other. Suicide bombers believe that God wants them to kill innocent people because they have been brainwashed from knee high. Religious mothers and fathers teach their kids religion from a young age because when they are old enough to decide for themselves they would most likely reject the idea of a supernatural being.

Do you still believe in Santa Claus? Of course not because all the evidence tells you that a man dressed in red and white doesn't climb down your chimney every 24th December. So, what does the evidence say about God? Well, for one thing the world is far older then 10,000 years old. It's approx six billion years old. How do we know this? Through fossils and DNA. Do you know that scientists can prove that Evolution happened now? It's no longer a theory it happened. We came from Monkey's put that in your pipe and smoke it. Well, actually don't as that's bad for you. The bible is full of contradictions, it's full of fairy tales like Samson lost his strength when he cut his hair. And yet some people take it literally. Many religious people pick and choose what they want to believe from it. They dismiss the condemnation of homophobia and the terrible acts in Gods name. They dismiss the old teachings and embrace the new testament. Why is that anymore accurate and how do you know?

There could be a God. There I said it! It's not very likely but there could be. A God who was involved with Evolution but Evolution doesn't need a God. It could have happened all on it's own. Religious people look to our morals as proof of a higher being. This doesn't proof anything. We get our morals from many places, our families, our friends, television, books and music. We get them because they are in-bred in us as part of Evolution. Think about a dog who tries to bury his bone. Why does he do this? He's never been in the wild! But his ancestors have. The brain remembers. And that's how we get our morals. Because a long time ago we were in small groups (most likely monkeys) and they had to watch each others backs. They cared for each other, cleaned each others fur and helped watch out for predators. This is why we still care about our fellow man. Well, some of us do.

So, what are my own beliefs? While I can't dismiss a God completely I can dismiss the bible as a work of fiction. The same thing goes for all the other organised religions out there. The goofiest being Scientology. A relatively new faith endorsed by Tom Cruise of all people. It just shows you how easily a religion can pop up (or be made up) out of nowhere. In a few hundred years will people believe that Scientology is gospel? Isn't it funny that if you challenge a religious belief then the believer attacks you or in some cases becomes violent. Is this how God would want you to act? The question your not supposed to ask religious people is "who created God?" presumably because there's no logical answer. If we could travel at light speed it would still take us two million years to reach the next Galaxy. Imagine how vast the universe is? And there simply has to be more life out there. And yet one supernatural being listens to all of our prayers. Really? Where was he / she when the Holocaust was happening? Oh, I see we have free will. Please. The truth is religion causes more problems then it's worth.

Do you still need an imaginary friend to help you through the day?

Leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.

Tomorrow Eczema and the real world

Steven Lee is the creator of Whedonverse and Whedonverse Forum.

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